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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
alive at 5/30/2007 01:04:00 pm

okayy. ytd watched spiderman3 again with my brothers and blades of glory AGAIN with my cousins. so i have now watched each movie in the theatres at least twice, well except udon and those rated movies. Shrek3 is out, can't wait to watch it tmr with my primary school classmates, as in like primary 3. thats uhh, 6 years ago. Yes, it has been THAT long, and yeah i'm glad i found them. And we're planning to meet on thursday to relive the old times. They have been telling me about how i was super naughty and stuff, but really, i don't remember all these stuff. It hasn't been THAT long, i have serious STM.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

yes don't laugh at me. i was only p3 :(

and i've been dota-ing alot, perhaps a little too much. So anyone wants a friendly game just talk to me on msn :D
and oh starhub connection suckss, i'm gonna change, my connection keeps restarting, and now i'm called a leaver in dota games):

and hello to the game who is pretending to be gwen, quite funnaye eh? cause gwen doesn't know darren, and i think i know who you are bitch. you can fuck off and just go home. hiding behind some other person's name is just showing that you're a coward, and a spermless one at that.

and oh, delvin and daphne, i'll beat you two ;)
i'm gonna try walking from hougang to westmall, ahaha, the great walk (:

Sunday, May 27, 2007
alive at 5/27/2007 06:26:00 pm

ahh. interhouse dragon boat was a complete failure. Complete. We had the strongest rowers, yet we finished 2nd and 3rd. really dont understand, yeah now lucas is cocky, more than ever. makes me sick man. But today there was this friendly invitational dragon boat, and this time it was the canoeist, not the full team though, it was a weakened team. We arrived at lakeside mrt at 7.30am, yeah by the orders of fat teo. Then it was 7.45am, still no sign of fat teo, so sylvester decided to call him. ' OH I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU GUYS TO COME TO CHINESE GARDEN?'

My God, dear mr teo, that was dumb of you. lol. then we took train there and started walking to the competition placee. We were there, saw a few schools, jurong secondary, yuan ching secondary, chung cheung high yishun, dang no sign of ACSI. ahaha.
then it was the heats, we beat yuan ching by 0.7s. sick man. 0.7s is like equilvalent to one stroke lor. so it was THAT tight. We were all panicky for the finals cause with a difference of 0.7s, anything can change, any missed stroke will cause us to lose. Then the final came, change of plans to burst earlier, and it worked, we were miles ahead only to lose steam abit at the end, but we still managed to beat yuan ching sec by a good 1.5 sec. ahaha. okayy. thats all you need to know for today.

and oh. i walked from chinese garden mrt to jurong point. beat that. ahha (:

Sunday, May 20, 2007
alive at 5/20/2007 06:46:00 pm

hmm this week has been sucky until today :D
im happy happy happy. ahahha. okay its never good to fail subjects, let lone 3 subjects. I flunked both maths are chemistry, and both maths are f9s. argh, so disappointed, but perhaps, i can't complain cause its my own fault actually, for not study and stuff and taking good results for granted or something. hmm yeah, so i'm gonna work hard next term and get back my top 3 position, RAWR WATCH OUT DELVINN! (:
man utd lost ytd, made me real depressed, but hey, we were better and we actually scored a goal, but the cockeye referee and linesman couldn't see it. anyway to you chelski, arsenal & liverpool fans out there. MANCHESTER > ALL.

tmr theres school, i wanna pon, but hais, i already pon friday, cant afford one more day. i have to find some oppotunity to tell my parents my results in some way that they won't be so pissed. ahaha. haven't done homework in a longlonglong time already, kinda regret not studying this term. now mr tung hates me, chen ling kwong too & i suck in physics. boo. what a wretched term. but hey i got a2 for english and 80 for history, at least something for me to cheer about. haha.

okay, times up. OUT

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
alive at 5/16/2007 05:42:00 pm

lalala. haven't updated this blog in a longlong time, cause of super laziness and my new found addiction to lan gaming, have been going at least twice a week. damnit, my grades drop, everything drop, super tired everyday, need to stop lan, its ruining me. physics 23/40. I wanted a A1 ONEONEONEONE!!! :(

Chemistry 16.5/40.
dont know how the hell i failed. i saw the paper again and it was so super duper easy man. argh thats one failure.

Im quite sure that both my maths are ending in failures, now mr tung officially hates me. yeah, its my fault, haven't been listening to him in class at all. im getting depressed, foosk is getting a1s and im getting e8s, really, its not what i want and it simply isn't good enough man. haven't been going training at ALL. Really really pissed with coach for taking me out of t1 and robbing me of my spot in the nationals, yeah fuck it, i'm never training again. Therefore i'm gonna concentrate on my work now, and hopefully, be able to compete with foosk next term.

and yeah, the only plus point of the day was me getting my a2 for engrrrishhh. sexy :D


Sunday, April 22, 2007
alive at 4/22/2007 08:24:00 pm

dear god please bless jiajing with all the tolerance he needs to stop spouting vulgarities, all the 'un-slackness' he needs to blog, and all the moneys the need to shop with.

i pray D:

Saturday, April 21, 2007
alive at 4/21/2007 08:15:00 am

HEY LOOK YISHU! i dont fucking care about you? i trusted you and told you about stuff, you fucking told them to kenneth? and you wanna fight? please dont make me laugh. you're just like a coffee stirer that i use to stir my COFFEE _|_
fuck off i dont wanna break your bones. (:

Thursday, April 12, 2007
alive at 4/12/2007 08:33:00 pm

kay so 7-1. yeah i'm slow to update these days cause i dont use the comp that much anymore. Stupid tung hates me so much now that he ignores my questions, so have been doing his work luh. Back to 7-1. Remember the teasing? the pissing? REMEMBER HOW I WAS SUANED WHEN MAN UTD LOST 2-1 AT THE OLIMPIC STADIUM? NOW I BOAST. LIVERPOOL ARSENAL CHELSEA ALL CAN SIT DOWN AND DRINK MILK!!
seven. yupp like 7. one two THREE four five six then SEVEN. THATS LIKE 4 MORE THAN LIVERPOOL. All you noobs can do is just eat your hearts out suckers :D
Waked up to watch it, was damn sleepy in class the next day, lucky these two days schl ends at 12.30, or i wont reach home alive.
Have to study for the cumalative graphs, theres a test tmr, which is gonna stink cause i suck so much at graphs. I use the french curve as fast as caleb can STOP nodding his head.

*NodNod* *NodNod*

He's starting to annoy me. and oh i forgot.

Happy belated birthday jeremy michael tan hock boon :D